Sonoma County, CA

Category: Tech

Top 5 in 2025

My 5 Best Free Online Tools for 2025

These free versions are not too limiting and sometimes all you need. Grammarly Compose clear, mistake-free writing. The grammar check is unmatched, and the free version will make your writing instantly better. I’m still using the free version after all these years. Be sure to install the app on your devices and the plugin on…
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Web Inspirations

This month, Elon Musk‘s SpaceX launched the most powerful and first reusable space rockets with Buzz Aldrin watching from the Apollo 11 launchpad at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. People have already put down a deposit for a trip around the moon, and plans for a Mars colony in the 2020s.

Tech may be the best thing for my health

I don’t like exercise. Think I never did. I have started exercise routines but never stuck with it. That has finally changed and it was the smartwatch that did it. It has given me an awareness of my body, that I never paid much attention to. It watches after me. A smartwatch reminds me when…
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Big Cheers to Steve Jobs

To a man that had more effect in my life, and yours, then we care to admit. More then even a stealth Mac-crusader as myself. I’ve managed to keep myself mostly quiet over the years, cause I’m usually 95% the minority. Apple and Steve Jobs has consistently transformed cold and complicated technology into something beautifully…
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The Apple-Adobe Rift. What it means for the children.

I would be lying if this Flash grudge match didn’t bother me. With the release of the iPad without Flash, Adobe got a little bitchy and vented against Apple publicly. I admit in being initially disappointed. I was fine not having Flash on my iPhone. In fact, I never missed it. I knew Adobe has…
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Square. Proof positive, cash could end soon.

When I attended the Tweetup at PacBell park on Friday, April 30 it was the first I heard of Square. Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter, was describing their new venture which allows businesses and individuals, to send and receive money through their phone. Download the app on your phone and they send you a free…
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Time for the GUI to change.

Over a decade ago, I felt it was time to change the way we interface with computers. The GUI (graphical user interface) on pcs had not fundementally changed since the mid-eighties. Although revolutionary at the time, I never felt a mouse was necessarily the best way to interface. You hold what amounts to a bar…
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